Welcome on
our website !
Here you can find a little more information if you want to take your pet on holiday to France. At this very moment, we don’t know what’s going to change after the Brexit. Please, inform yourself on an official government website before travelling with your pet after the 31st March 2019. We’ll try to keep our website up to date as soon as we’ve got any news concerning the Brexit.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Pet Travel Scheme : entering the UK from France (or the EU)
The Pet Travel Scheme has been designed to allow animals such as dogs and cats to travel easily between countries and avoid quarantine but also to stop spreading rabies and other diseases.
From 1 January 2012, it is easier to travel abroad with pets. Tick treatment for pets returning to the UK are no longer required. Pets from the EU and listed non-EU countries (such as the USA and Australia) still need to be vaccinated against rabies, but they no longer need a blood test.
Our veterinarians speak English!
Our 3 veterinary clinics are open from Monday to Saturday.
You can always call us or send us an e-mail at vetbray@gmail.com if you want any further information.
Our day is such we seldom have a chance to look at emails until the end of clinical hours, but we will try to answer you as soon as possible.
Thank you very much and we hope to see you soon in one of our Veterinary Clinics!